Friday, February 5, 2010

Jesus' Temple

I have been reading the book Irresistable Revolution for a while now and the other day something really struck me. My whole life I have heard the scripture that Jesus would tear down the temple and in three days rebuild it. It immediately makes me think of Jesus that His body would be alive again on the third day after His death and people would believe. But it is so much more than just the obvious that we all know happened. Jesus died and by His death we can now have eternal life. We were dead but on the third day He brought us all to life again when He rose from the dead. "Jesus dismantles as He redefines the temple as His body, as our bodies, the mystical body of the Church" (Irresistable 323). WE ARE HIS TEMPLES. Living, breathing temples...not buildings, not stones, not service halls, LIVING TEMPLES. Acts 17:24 says "God does not live in the temples built by human hands." We are reminded here that we are God's temples because the Spirit lives in us! As a Catholic every time I partake in the mass I am also a living temple of Jesus. I need to be presenting myself as Jesus' hands and feet and treat my body as a living temple for the Spirit.

"Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary, pure and holy, tried and true."

Prayer Requests: Please pray for Rickey, my sisters father in law, He is being let out of the hospital but he was having some heart problems. Also please pray for my missionary brother Erik Martin and a good community friend, Stephen Smith, who are on their way to Haiti.

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